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2023 Full Year results Analysts Conference Call
Motor, home, agricultural, services, business, professionnals and local authorities
Individual health, individual protection, life insurance – individual savings/pensions, group insurance
Asset management, property management, employee savings, banking
Legal protection, credit insurance, assistance, remote surveillance of property and persons
All the regional mutuals
Faced with an unprecedented health crisis, French people have endured a general lockdown which, for many, was characterised by uncertainty and loneliness. As mutual insurers who emphasise close local support as a key value, we as regional mutuals have sought to put our values into practice and stay in contact with our members and their current situations during these troubled times.
The employees and elected representatives of various mutuals have taken to their telephones every day with the aim of serving our members without any sales objectives.
The purpose of these calls was to :
– Show that we care
– Provide information about all of the available means by which they can contact us, and update individuals’ contact details
– Remind members of best health practices in these times of lockdown; reassure and listen
– Answer members’ questions
– Promote our online services and some of our offerings
For their part, elected representatives at some regional mutuals were also involved in this operation, with the additional aims of maintaining links with local authorities to provide information in the event of distress, but also to poll members’ needs or questions in order to pass them on to the sales teams
During the first part of the year, more than 360,000 calls were made to private and business members.
Solidarity, care and synergy are the three watchwords for this initiative, which has been received very positively by members – who have been touched and pleasantly surprised to know that we simply want to hear from them.
Because of its strong human focus, the initiative has also been a rewarding one for the employees and elected representatives