Mirror Tracker

Groupama Asigurari (Roumanie)

Customer satisfaction and Employee Engagement are the dual motors that have been driving strategy at our Romanian subsidiary since 2012, with positive results over time. Every year we have measured a set of key performance indicators for customer focus (NRI, satisfaction, simplicity, pleasure) and for employees (placing the emphasis on engagement), by means of dedicated quantitative surveys.

We needed to focus more on the qualitative aspects of these surveys, and the link between the two strategy accelerators, in order to identify and focus on common aspects for customers and employees.

Mirror Tracker is thus an innovative approach analysing comments polled during quantitative customer and employee surveys in order to establish points of pain or pleasure from customers’ and colleagues’ perspectives. The innovative aspect lies both in the qualitative analysis methodology and the “mirroring” of the results.

Qualitative analysis of the verbatim responses:

  • In contrast to a pure quantitative approach, the qualitative verbatim responses approach provides an insight into not only the proportion of satisfied vs unsatisfied customers/employees, but also the strength of their satisfaction (pleasure) or the strength of their dissatisfaction (pain). The analysis methodology also includes the use of specialised software to code the verbatim responses.
  • Consequently, problems (positive or negative) that are generally overlooked in a quantitative survey because of their infrequent occurrence take on very great significance through a qualitative analysis of strength of feeling

Mirroring of customer and employee comments:

– Links Groupama employee engagement to the customer experience

– Provides a very precise model of the experience of two stakeholders for each interaction

– The survey mirrors these two experiences to identify points of truth on both sides, drivers of progress and a proxy for their level of priority