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2023 Full Year results Analysts Conference Call
Motor, home, agricultural, services, business, professionnals and local authorities
Individual health, individual protection, life insurance – individual savings/pensions, group insurance
Asset management, property management, employee savings, banking
Legal protection, credit insurance, assistance, remote surveillance of property and persons
Groupama Assicurazioni (Italie)
Groupama Assicurazioni is heavily involved in a strategic transformation project for its Life insurance business. A change of IT system and an overhaul of the target range will mean the product range is refreshed, distributor productivity improved, and the appeal to customers is increased. At the core of this macro-project lies “Groupama Progetto Attivo”, a highly-innovative product compared with the current Life products available, and with the Italian market generally. It includes all the components needed to meet the Company’s strategy objectives of profitable growth and becoming a significant name in the Italian market.
A new savings solution, able to meet many varying requirements from both customers and distributors. Within a single product, it is possible to invest a lump-sum, build a savings plan, or do both simultaneously within a single contract. Customers can make their own investment decisions or trust expert asset managers who diversify their investments on the basis of customers’ risk profiles if given the authority to do so. The socially-responsible investment dimension is an essential component, and they form the majority of the unit-linked options on offer.
“Groupama Progetto Attivo” is the first product offered on the new “Vie Life Pro” platform. Teams designed new processes, new instruments and new communication tools to develop the product, also aided by close collaboration and Group synergies.
The product also offers the option to split the amount of your investment between Self-selection (comprising the Euro fund and Internal funds provided by the Company) and Managed investment (in external collective investment schemes and the Euro fund).
Groupama Progetto Attivo is one of the most innovative products on the savings market in Italy. Thanks to strong international synergy, we are able to offer our customers Managed investment for diversification and a definite orientation towards socially responsible investment through a continuous selection and monitoring process applied to UL funds.