2010 Annual Results

16 February 2011

Good resilience in a difficult environment, Continued growth in France and abroad

Consolidated results, Groupama S.A. 1
Premium income: €14.7 billion
, + 1.4 % (+2.3 on a like-for-like basis [constant consolidation and exchange rates])
Net profit: €387 million, -41.4%
Economic operating income2 : €192 million (excluding Xynthia storm) *
Annualised ROE: 9.7 %
Combined ratio, property and casualty insurance: 101.4 % (excluding Xynthia storm), **

Combined results, Groupama, including all activities of Regional Mutuals
Premium income: €17.6 billion, + 1.6 % (+ 2.3 % on a like-for-like basis)
Net profit: €398 million
Solvency margin: 130%

Commenting on the annual results for 2010, Jean Azéma, Groupama’s Chief Executive Officer, stated:

“Once again this year Groupama has pursued its development and confirmed its growth. In France we continue to gain market share in all main segments of property and casualty insurance and are progressing in the health sector where we are already a leader. At the international level our subsidiaries are now fully playing their role as a springboard for development with sustained growth in markets which, for the most part, are still affected by the economic downturn.
2010 was especially significant in terms of reinforcing our distribution networks, whether our traditional ones, in direct insurance or through new partnerships.
We have also continued our programmes to strengthen the technical and operating efficiency that has enabled us, in a context marked by economic and financial uncertainty, to withstand the year’s exceptional weather events and the substantial deterioration of current claims figures.
In coping with these storms and providing rapid assistance to our policyholders both in France and in Hungary, all of Groupama’s teams showed an exceptional ability to mobilise their efforts. It is thanks to the drive of our 39,000 employees, in all circumstances, that Groupama succeeds year after year in growing, anticipating and staying focused on its ambitions.”

* including Xynthia storm: 117 million euros
**including Xynthia storm: 103.2%
1The consolidated financial statements of Groupama S.A. include the activity of all subsidiaries and internal reinsurance (representing about 40% of the premium income of the Regional Mutuals assigned to Groupama S.A.). The Group’s financial statements include all Group activities (the activity of the Regional Mutuals and the activity of the subsidiaries consolidated within Groupama S.A.) To provide a more economic vision of the business, in its reporting the Group uses an indicator known as economic operating income.
2This represents profit from continuing operations adjusted for the realised capital gains and losses for the portion attributable to shareholders net of tax. Profit from continuing operations is the net profit excluding the impact of the unrealised capital gains and losses on financial assets recognised at fair value and attributable to shareholders net of tax, non-recurring items net of tax and impairment of goodwill.