
112 résultat(s) avec le thème "finance-en"

Tranformation of Groupama's central body

Analyst - 16 December 2016


The objective of the planned transformation of the Groupama central body is to simplify the structure of the group at the same time as maintaining the financial flexibility necessary for…

Assemblée générale Groupama

Plan to mutualise Groupama's central body

Analyst - 24 May 2016


This plan is in line with Groupama’s strategy to reaffirm its mutual insurer identity and would give its central body the same legal form and the same operating principles as…

Orange to acquire a 65% stake in Groupama Banque, which will become Orange Bank

Analyst - 22 April 2016


Thanks to the resources of the two partners, the bank, for which the legal entity should become Orange Bank, will launch a banking service specifically designed for mobile usage in…


Orange becomes majority shareholder of Groupama Banque

Analyst - 4 October 2016


The teams will now devote themselves entirely to the development of Orange Bank under the leadership of André Coisne, who has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the bank. Orange…


Groupama and Orange enter exclusive negotiations for the creation of "Orange Bank"

Analyst - 4 January 2016


From its creation, Groupama Banque has positioned itself as a multi-channel bank. Orange will bring its digital knowledge to develop a 100% mobile offer corresponding to new uses increasingly employed…

Groupama announces the sale of its stake in Cegid Group

Analyst - 18 April 2016


Groupama is an anchor investor in Cegid through its Groupama SA and Gan Vie entities. Since 2007, Groupama has built a financial and industrial partnership with Cegid which enabled them…

Contemplated simplification of the structure of ownership by Caisse des Dépôts and Groupama of their interest in Icade

Analyst - 21 December 2015


This simplification would consist in a merger of HoldCo SIIC into Icade. HoldCo SIIC, held by Caisse des Dépôts at 75.07% and by Groupama Gan Vie at 24.93%, currently holds…

Groupama announces the launch of the sale of its stake in Mediobanca

Analyst - 12 February 2015


The bookbuilding will start immediately; the results of the private placement will be announced after the close of the bookbuilding process. This sale represents a further step of Groupama’s financial…

Groupama announces the successful completion of the private placement of its stake in Mediobanca

Analyst - 12 February 2015


The proceeds from the transaction amount to approximately €333 million. The placement was managed by Morgan Stanley acting as Bookrunner. The trade date will be 13 February 2015. Settlement will…