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2023 Full Year results Analysts Conference Call
Motor, home, agricultural, services, business, professionnals and local authorities
Individual health, individual protection, life insurance – individual savings/pensions, group insurance
Asset management, property management, employee savings, banking
Legal protection, credit insurance, assistance, remote surveillance of property and persons
Groupama Assurances Mutuelles
MyTBMG stands for "My digital Group monthly performance indicator" in French. It is a reporting application that invites users to follow the activity of the Group's entity every month via an intranet platform, through a key indicator (premium income, loss experience, etc.) per entity scope and business line. The application is connected to the database of the Group Financial Controlling Department (DPRG), therefore allowing for financial data and information to be shared quickly throughout the Group.
In short, correspondents used to receive an email every month with a PDF document of nearly 100 pages. They will soon be able to use a link to log in to a dynamic tool that offers highly intuitive browsing and takes their reading method into account. All financial data is produced according to a unique format that serves to easily monitor the evolution of indicators and draw comparisons.
The tool has very high potential for the future. By connecting to the databases, you can access information more quickly and browse through the history (up to three years at the moment). It produces a consolidated and benchmarked vision of results. Each entity has access to their figures and can, if they so choose, compare themselves to others and monitor the Group’s trends to improve its steering internally.
Other steering indicators may be added in the future, such as a page dedicated to the indicators of the Group’s strategic podiums, general expenses, etc.
The application was deployed in pilot regional mutuals in April 2018 and has been extended to all regional mutuals since July. It will gradually be made available to all the 250 usual users of the TBMG in PDF format in the autumn.