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2023 Full Year results Analysts Conference Call
Motor, home, agricultural, services, business, professionnals and local authorities
Individual health, individual protection, life insurance – individual savings/pensions, group insurance
Asset management, property management, employee savings, banking
Legal protection, credit insurance, assistance, remote surveillance of property and persons
Groupama Immobilier
CIRCOLAB is a not-for-profit organisation supported by its eleven founding members and new members. All of its members are volunteers. Groupama Immobilier supports the charity alongside major insurance companies such as Allianz, Axa, Covea Immobilier and Generali, who are all aware that global warming will lead to an "uninsurable" planet and appreciate that the circular economy is based on values of solidarity and innovation for all.
The aim of this charity is to promote the circular economy in the building and real estate industry. The project managers are acting to oppose the traditional linear economy, which consists in extracting raw materials and energy, producing goods, using them, and throwing them out. The campaign pursues goals that are in the collective interest, bringing together a community of committed actors.
The creation of CIRCOLAB on 9 November and the coming together of real estate actors in support of this initiative has already proved a success. Real estate actors are becoming increasingly aware of this crucial topic. Many actors have committed to putting the circular economy principles into practice by spreading the CIRCOLAB values. Groupama Immobilier is already applying these principles on its building sites. As such, as part of its recycling initiatives, Groupama Immobilier reused six tons of materials and donated its office furniture to two charities when it moved away from 21 boulevard Malesherbes. Each of the Group’s entities can therefore put the circular economy into practice through its real estate activity.