Connected fleet

Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne et Groupama Supports et Services

GRAA – Flotte connectée

Because a claim costs as much to the insurer as to the insured company, GRAA and G2S have developed the Connected fleet solution, both providing support to the company’s network of drivers and implementing appropriate and customised prevention solutions depending on each driver’s driving behaviour. Rather than taking action after a claim has occurred, this service enables us to take preventive action by establishing a win-win relationship with the company.

This solution consists of a box placed on board vehicles and an application that enables the data collected to be recovered and analysed.

Information regarding the distance travelled, speed, engine rpm, emergency braking or acceleration are analysed and set out in weekly and monthly reports.

This application is accessible to everyone:

– employees for their own driving data;

– managers for their team;

– the QSE engineer for all fleet vehicles.

Based on the reports drafted, the QSE engineer proposes collective and individual prevention plans, reducing the risk of accidents.

This service is currently being tested, and could be sold to Corporate, ACPS and Local Authority customers alongside their fleet insurance. It could also win new customers both for Groupama Rhône Alpes Auvergne, and in France and abroad.