Compil, the salesperson’s mobile tool

Groupama d'Oc et Groupama Supports et Services


The move to the customer relations email address for salespeople, undertaken at the beginning of 2019 by GOC, enables all exchanges between a customer and a salesperson to be kept in the customer’s EDM folder. Despite the clear benefit of this form of organisation for customer relations, it signals a major change for salespeople: the customer’s emails that previously arrived to their Notes mailbox on their smartphone, now arrive in Compas. Furthermore, to read these emails, they need to log in to Smart and Compas, which has proved difficult for salespeople travelling over a large region like that of Groupama d’Oc.

This therefore entailed the risk of losing a degree of responsiveness for urgent requests, as well as a poor take-up and implementation of the double email address, in cases when salespeople continued out of convenience to communicate using their internal address.

In summer 2018, GOC made contact with the G2S Digital Factory “Evidence” to request a tool for smartphones to process emails, customer meetings, requests for action, etc.

By establishing a collaborative working method based on trust, incorporating four salespeople, two people from the GOC’s DOSI with a small G2S development team, and backed by funding, we were able to perform a small miracle: a first version of Compil was rolled out in three months, enabling salespeople to view customer emails on their smartphones. This version was rapidly improved with the ability to answer emails, re-index an unknown email in four clicks and 15 seconds (versus five minutes on average on Smart/Compas/GED), redirect an email to a management service (collective box), search for a customer in order to call or send them an email.

The application has been installed on the smartphones of 650 salespeople since February 2019.

The Compil application was presented to other regional mutuals; four decided to join GOC within a financing community in order to deploy Compil and finance new developments, such as acknowledging processed emails, creating requests/actions and managing the calendar to respond to customer needs on all channels.

Dès février 2019, l’application a été installée à 650 commerciaux.

L’application Compil a été présentée aux autres Caisses Régionales, et 4 d’entre elles ont décidé de rejoindre GOC au sein d’une communauté de financement afin de déployer Compil et de financer de nouvelles évolutions, comme l’acquittement des mails traités, la création de demandes/actions et la gestion de l’agenda pour répondre aux besoins clients tous canaux confondus.