La proximité by G2S

Groupama Supports et Services

G2S – La proximité by G2S

The mission of the La proximité by G2S project is to support and satisfy users of IT services on a daily basis.

“I’ve lost my mobile”, “How can I share a support during a video conference?” “What is the WP2 address and can I access the car park?” “How can I obtain a guest WIFI code during my trip?” “How does the SmartOffice application work?” “I’ve lost my password”.

Whether directly on site, thanks to a neighbourhood service deployed in the Campus and Astorg buildings, or virtually, through the brand new “Proxim'” chatbox, G2S wants to answer the questions asked by IT service users. Thus, the combination of the human and virtual must improve satisfaction and enable best practices to be shared. This is all part of a continuous improvement approach.

Complementary to the human presence, the Proxim’ chatbox is an artificial intelligence experience at the cutting edge of new technology. In permanent self-learning mode, it is expanding its field of action based on every question asked.