
Top Success - My Angel


Top Success - My Angel

22 décembre 2016


Groupama Assicurazioni (subsidiary of Groupama in Italy) launched the first app on the Italian market which can manage clients' claims in real-time and on the spot! It can also tell the insurer where his car is parked, and make him better understand his driving style. Of course, it operates in real time 7/7 and 24/24! And it enables Groupama Assicurazioni to manage claims in no more than 6 days. Clients are very satisfied. 65,000 people have already downloaded My Angel…

Top Success - I


Top Success - I'm going to stop complaining at work!

22 décembre 2016


A 21 days challenge held by Groupama Protection Juridique to help volunteers stop complaining at work, express their frustration, get the cooperation of others and appreciate all the positive things around them! So employees can become drivers of solutions rather than sufferers of situations!….

Top Success - The electronic safe


Top Success - The electronic safe

22 novembre 2016


In several companies of Groupama (Groupama Gan Vie, Gan Assurances, Gan Patrimoine, Gan Prévoyance, Groupama Supports & Services et Groupama SA), payslips can now be filed and archived in a digital safe. All important personal documents can also be put away in the safe: bills, photos, passports, driving licenses… No more risk of losing it all! All these documents are stored for 50 years. All important and official documents accessible anywhere, anytime!

Top Success - Groupama OnBoard


Top Success - Groupama OnBoard

22 novembre 2016

Groupama OnBoard is a behavioural driving service aimed at young drivers, launched by Groupama Loire Bretagne and Groupama Grand Est. The principle: the better you drive, the more you save on your insurance premium. The data on journeys, brakings, accelerations, turns, number of kilometers, are all registered by a control box which has been installed in the car. All this data is then analysed by the Groupama OnBoard app. The result? A driving score and personalised driving advice..…

Top Success - Groupama Car


Top Success - Groupama Car

22 novembre 2016


Groupama car is a mobile travelling branch. There are two of them in Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne. They tour 5 days a week, visiting areas where there are no branches. It is not very different from a traditional branch, only it is… mobile! The innovation here is the combination of the "good old days" mobile commerce concept with the possibilities of the digital area, which allows the driver of the mobile car to have everything on his or her fingertips…

Top Succès 2016 - Groupama-car


Groupama Car, l'agence mobile

21 novembre 2016


Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne a lancé deux agences mobiles en Haute-Savoie et en Haute-Loire, qui se déplacent selon un planning (jours de marché, ouverture des stations de ski…), et permettent d’aller au contact des clients sur le terrain. L’innovation : associer le "bon vieux concept" de commerce ambulant de proximité avec l’ère du numérique, qui permet d’avoir tous les services embarqués...

Top Succès - Les certificats-mutualistes


Les certificats mutualistes Groupama

21 novembre 2016


Groupama est le premier assureur à lancer avec succès des certificats mutualistes auprès de ses sociétaires. Rendus possibles par la loi depuis 2015, les certificats mutualistes permettent aux mutuelles d'assurances de renforcer leurs fonds propres et leur solidité financière. Ils offrent à leurs sociétaires un produit d'épargne innovant et sûr, favorisent la fidélisation et concrétisent l’attachement à la mutuelle…

Top Succès 2016 - my-angel


L'appli auto "My Angel"

21 novembre 2016


Groupama Assicurazioni (filiale de Groupama en Italie) a lancé la première appli sur le marché italien qui permet de gérer en temps réel et sur place les réclamations physiques du client grâce à un expert, dans les 30 minutes qui suivent un accident. Cette appli disponible 7 jours sur 7 permet de prendre en charge la réclamation à l’instant, un appel direct vers une dépanneuse, une visibilité sur les ateliers de réparation les plus proches, etc...