Committed governance
Our Group relies on solid and stable governance. In leading our projects, we are supported by three fundamental bodies: the Mutualist Orientation Council, Groupama Assurances Mutuelles’ Board of Directors and the Group Executive Committee.
The Mutualist Orientation Council
The 48 members of the Mutualist Orientation Council include five representatives for each of the nine regional mutuals in metropolitan areas, and one representative for each of the two overseas mutuals and two specialist mutuals. In particular, it is tasked with proposing the candidate for the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles, defining the Group’s general guidelines and monitoring their implementation.
Chairmen's committee
François SCHMITTChairman, Groupama Grand Est
Sylvie LE DILLYVice chairman, Groupama Centre Manche
Nicolas ASSÉMATDeputy Chairman, Groupama Méditerranée
Daniel COLLAYVice chairman, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
Patrick LAOTVice chairman, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
Pierre MARTINVice chairman, Groupama d’Oc
Jérôme MOYVice chairman, Groupama Loire Bretagne
Laurent POUPARTVice chairman, Groupama Nord-Est
Denis ROUMÉGOUSVice chairman, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
Members of the Board
Ingrid BERNIERBoard member, Groupama Loire Bretagne
Denis CALIPELBoard member, Groupama Centre Manche
Isabelle CHOPINBoard member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
Stéphane COOLSBoard member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
André DAZIANOBoard member, Groupama Méditerranée
Nathalie HAUCHARDBoard member, Groupama Nord-Est
Didier LALUETBoard member, Groupama d’Oc
Rémy LOSSERBoard member, Groupama Grand Est
Jean-Christophe MANDARDBoard member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
Sophie BOILLINMember, Groupama Grand Est
Christophe BUISSETMember, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
Chantal CETTIERMember, Groupama Méditerranée
Christophe CHARRANSOLMember, Groupama Méditerranée
Luc CHEVALIERMember, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
Jacques-Charles CHRISTOPHEMember, Groupama Antilles-Guyane
Valérie DÉTAPPEMember, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
Frédéric DUBOSCQMember, Groupama Forêts Assurances
Patricia DUTOITMember, Groupama Nord- Est
Marie FISCHERMember, Groupama Grand Est
Jérôme GONTHIERMember, Groupama Océan Indien
Mélanie GOSSELINMember, Groupama Centre Manche
Françoise GUIHARDMember, Groupama Loire Bretagne
Patrick HENRYMember, Groupama Nord-Est
Joël LAFONTAINEMember, Groupama Centre Manche
Guy LAVIGNEMember, Groupama d’Oc
Dominique LECOMTEMember, Groupama Centre Manche
Marie-France MALTERREMember, Groupama d’Oc
Florence MASSIASMember, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
Daniel MÉRIGOTMember, Groupama Producteurs de Tabac
Thierry MIQUETMember, Groupama Nord-Est
Jean-Charles MOGENETMember, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
Nathalie MORELMember, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
Véronique NÉDÉLECMember, Groupama Loire Bretagne
Vincent OLIVONMember, Groupama Loire Bretagne
Alain PUECHMember, Groupama d’Oc
Richard SALLESMember, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
Jean-Louis STÉMARTMember, Groupama Grand Est
Karine TOURAINEMember, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
Benoît VAUXIONMember, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
The Board of Directors
The Groupama Assurances Mutuelles Board of Directors has 15 members. It sets out the guidelines for the group’s activities in accordance with those set by the Mutualist Orientation Council and supervises their implementation.
Nicolas ASSÉMATChairman, Groupama Méditerranée
Isabelle BORDRYIndependant director
Isabelle CHASSEURDirector representing employees
Daniel COLLAYChairman, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
Ada DI MARZOIndependent Director
Anne GUÉRINIndependent Director
Élie HARARIIndependent Director
Sylvie LE DILLYChairman, Groupama Centre Manche
Patrick LAOTChairman, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
Pierre MARTINChairman, Groupama d’Oc
Christophe MERCIERDirector representing employees
Jérôme MOYChairman, Groupama Loire Bretagne
Laurent POUPARTChairman, Groupama Nord-Est
Denis ROUMÉGOUSChairman, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
François SCHMITTChairman of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles and Groupama Grand Est
The Group Executive Committee
Led by the Chief Executive Officer, Thierry Martel, and consisting of 20 members, the Group Executive Committee brings together the directors of the regional mutuals and the main managing directors of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles. Its members take part in the design and implementation of the strategy, and also carry out the operational coordination of all the Group’s activities.
Thierry MARTELChief Executive Officer Groupama Assurances Mutuelles
Olivier LARCHERVice Chief Executive Officer of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles
Laurence BAUDUINManaging Director Groupama Nord-Est
Philippe BELLORINIManaging Director Groupama Supports & Services
Laurent BOUSCHONManaging Director Groupama Paris Val de Loire
Sylvain BURELGroup Director of Communication
Bénédicte CRÉTÉ-DAMBRICOURTGroup Human Ressources Director
Cécile DAUBIGNARDGeneral Secretary
Benoît DOUXAMIManaging Director Groupama Grand Est
Jean-François GARINDeputy Chief Executif Officer, Managing Director Life activities
Didier GUILLAUMEManaging Director Groupama Grand Est
Fabrice LEPIGEONManaging Director Groupama Centre-Atlantique
Pascal LOISEAUManaging Director Groupama Centre Manche
Rémi LORENZELLIDeputy Chief Executif Officer, Group Director of Strategy and Partnerships
Sylvain MERLUSManaging Director Groupama Centre-Atlantique
Nicolas NAFTALISKIManaging Director Groupama Loire Bretagne
Olivier PÉQUEUXDeputy Chief Executif Officer, Director of International Subsidiaries
Cyril ROUXDeputy Chief Executif Officer Finance, Actuarial Group Audit, Risk
Romain TANGUYManaging Director Groupama Méditerranée
Francis THOMINEManaging Director Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
Pascal VINÉDirector of Institutional Relations and Mutualist Orientations